Assessing and Evaluating Pain & Suffering: What We Can Do to Help

Calculating a client’s pain and suffering can be particularly challenging for personal injury attorneys due to the subjective and complex nature of each case. How can you be certain you are fully advocating for your clients? At Integrity Legal Nurse Consulting, our experienced nurses can ensure that you’re not missing anything, especially since we match the case theme with the RN’s background to ensure the best fit for the job and consideration of all possible issues. Our legal nurse consultants will address all potential issues and provide a comprehensive evaluation of your case.

The Purpose of Our Reports

Our experienced legal nurse consultants analyze and summarize medical records, determine the extent of pain and suffering endured, and identify ways to substantiate your client’s claims. We provide detailed accounts of the problems your client faces as a result of the accident, injury, medical error, or malpractice and highlight the most compelling details to strengthen your case.

Types of Cases

Our LNCs provide high-quality reports for cases involving catastrophic injury with severe or lasting effects and wrongful death due to injury or medical malpractice. We assess all factors associated with these cases, including the victim’s job, income, age, lifestyle, pre-existing conditions and injuries, and medical treatment choices.

Necessary Documents

Comprehensive documentation from all stages of the injury and recovery are necessary to accurately calculate pain and suffering.

We evaluate and analyze:

  • Medical records and charts
  • Medical bills from therapies, specialists, ambulance services, emergency room visits, and other consultations
  • Prescriptions receipts
  • Over-the-counter medication receipts
  • Proof of lost wages or missed school
  • Photos of physical injuries
  • Records of all medical treatments, pain, and missed activities [1]

Types of Reports Pertaining to Pain and Suffering

  • Merit Screens can help you determine whether to proceed with a medical negligence case. After reviewing and analyzing all medical documentation, we provide an assessment of the case’s strengths and weaknesses. The merit screen report includes a list of outstanding medical chart notes and an evaluation of the case’s viability.
  • Personal Injury Abbreviated Reports provide a summary of the medical records, including pre-existing conditions, social and family history, medication history, and claimed damages. These reports assess the strengths and weaknesses of the case, helping to identify potential red flags before the case reaches mediation or trial.
  • Pain and Suffering Reports detail the pain and suffering your client experienced due to the accident, injury, or medical malpractice. The reports can be used to educate the jury during a trial. Our clear and comprehensive reports can help the jury understand the full extent of your client’s experiences and the significant impact their injuries have on their lives. Some attorneys have even sent our reports to the insurance company, so they better understand the level of sustained injuries.

The report includes:

  • Monetary cost of the damages
  • A chronological description of the injuries and subsequent medical procedures, highlighting their impact on the client
  • A visual presentation of the injuries and medical procedures the client has experienced

Our Pain and Suffering Reports can either be in a narrative format or timeline of events. Our timelines include the case strengths and weaknesses, attorney education and description of injuries with provided pictures (when appropriate to substantiate the extent of the injuries). We also provide a sanitized version that is stripped of all comments and education for your expert’s usage as well as for trial attendance.

Whether you’re in the initial stages of a personal injury or medical negligence case or you’re already preparing for trial, having one of our excellent consultants can make your job easier and your arguments stronger for trial. When a picture is worth a thousand words, the pain and suffering reports may help the jury understand exactly what happened to your client and how their life has drastically changed on a regular and permanent basis.

Contact us today and see how we can assist your busy practice; our job is to make your life easier, while saving you time in the process.


[1] “Pain And Suffering In Personal Injury Claims,”, n.d.,

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